electric power systems, smart grids, modernization, Smart Grid technologies, automation, monitoring, controlAbstract
The authors of the article carry out an analytical review of relevant literature from periodicals and Internet publications with the aim of analysing the feasibility of using Smart Grid technologies for the post-war modernization of power systems and electrical equipment, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. The article discusses the areas of smart electricity systems implementation in the context of analysing the processes of generation, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity to increase reliability, improve management and ensure online monitoring of these processes. An important aspect of the introduction of Smart Grid technologies during the post-war modernization of the national power system is the preliminary implementation in force of the main European standards in this area. Therefore, the authors quite rightly emphasise this and analyse the issue status in terms of the list of basic standards for smart electricity systems. The authors present the structure of the power system according to the Smart Grid concept, which is used as an example to define its main constituent elements. The paper also analyses the problematic issues of implementing smart electricity systems in Ukraine and determines the feasibility of using Smart Grid technologies in the form of a certain list of their advantages for the industry and electricity consumers. The authors of the article conclude that the post-war gradual modernization of the national electricity system based on the Smart Grid concept will significantly improve its efficiency and reliability, which will ultimately help to achieve an acceptable level of energy security of the country. However, for the successful implementation of such modernization, a few challenges need to be overcome, including resource constraints, security of information data exchange, reduced human resources, and the need to implement key European standards in the field of smart grids.
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