synthesis of the automatic control system, simulation model, water temperature in the drum, washing machineAbstract
Currently, "smart home" technologies are in great demand in the world and, in particular, in Ukraine. Their implementation makes it possible to reduce the consumption of resources by the house, increase the safety and comfort of staying in the premises. Therefore, all research that offers new solutions in the direction of "smart home" technologies is in demand and relevant. Disadvantages of using a classic PID regulator for heating water in a washing machine are shown from the point of view of solving the problem of power distribution between household appliances. Taking this into account, an algorithm for adaptive automatic control of the water heating process in the washing machine is proposed, based on the identification of the dynamic properties of the control object. The results of the identification are used both for forecasting the amount of electricity consumed by the washing machine and for the synthesis of the speed-optimized regulator for controlling water heating. The results of the study established new regularities of the water temperature control process in the washing machine, which made it possible to propose an innovative approach to the synthesis of an automatic control system taking into account the concept of "smart house". It was established that identification of the dynamic model of water heating in the washing machine during operation of the control system with acceptable accuracy can be carried out by half of the experimental acceleration curve – up to the point of its inflection. In fact, the length of the experimental acceleration curve to the point of its inflection is optimal for carrying out the procedure for identifying the model of the control object based on the criteria of the duration of the curve formation stage (performance of the control system) and the accuracy of determining the parameters of the model (accuracy of working out the setpoint change system). It was established that with an increase in the amplitude of the test control signal during the formation of the experimental acceleration curve, the error in calculating the switching intervals of the optimal regulator in terms of speed increases, due to which the static error at the end of the water heating (end of the second switching interval of the regulator) increases. The effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm was verified on the basis of the developed simulation model of the automatic water temperature control system in the washing machine.
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