


induction steelmaking furnace, crucible, stability improvement, lining, melt


Induction steelmaking furnaces have significant potential in the steel industry, as they allow for fast and efficient melting, including of steel, using the principle of induction. The use of such units helps to improve environmental performance in production and implement the green steel concept when processing direct reduced iron. Induction furnaces are more energy-efficient than traditional furnaces, such as arc furnaces, due to their shorter melting times. This helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide, and reduces the climate change impact. Induction furnaces reduce energy costs compared to other types of electric furnaces. This helps to reduce the use of natural resources and emissions. Induction furnaces can be easily configured to process recyclable materials, such as metal waste. This helps to reduce waste and contributes to the principles of a circular economy. Among the obvious advantages of induction crucible steelmaking furnaces, including the wide possibilities of producing a homogeneous steel melt in terms of chemical composition, there are also urgent disadvantages arising from the peculiarities of mixing, liquid metal flows and reduced lining stability. This study considers the design and principles of operation of induction crucible melting units. The operating conditions and failures of acid, basic, and neutral linings are analyzed. The key aspects of the functioning of induction steelmaking furnaces are highlighted, with a focus on identifying the causes of low refractoriness and slag resistance of their crucibles due to the intensive interaction of the hot liquid melt with the lining. Using literature sources, the main methods of increasing the stability of crucibles are identified: selection of crucible material, provision of thermal insulation and cooling, control of temperature conditions, optimization of the melting process and crucible design, monitoring of wear and deformation, regular maintenance and repair, application of protective coatings, and control of the furnace electromagnetic field. The essence of each of these methods is revealed with specific production examples. The main result of the study is the systematization of the analyzed methods of increasing the lining stability in induction steelmaking furnaces. The analysis makes it possible to determine the optimal methods for monitoring the lining condition and select production strategies for improving crucible stability, taking into account specific production conditions.


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