



industrial robots, robotic systems, metallurgical production, extreme working conditions, sinter trolley lubrication, sampling, temperature control in a steelmaking furnace, slag removal


The article presents the features of robotization of metallurgical production in Ukraine. It has been established that the metallurgical industry of Ukraine needs to replace human labour with workers who work in extreme conditions, such as high temperature, gas pollution in the working area, bright radiation, hot surfaces, drafts, which can lead to accidents and occupational diseases. The paper examines the benefits of using industrial robots and robotic systems to reduce labour intensity, replace manual labour, reduce risks to employee safety, and increase production capacity. It has been established that the use of industrial robots can eliminate the human factor when performing standardized operations, determining product quality, temperature, sampling and rejecting finished products. It was determined that the use of a robotic sampler allows avoiding inaccuracies and errors during sampling on vehicles. It was proposed to use a 6-axis industrial robot and a 14-metre guide rail to form a 7-axis mode of movement, with the industrial robot guide rail mounted along the direction of the carriage. It was found that the existing slag removal process is carried out using manual observation and control over the performance of technological operations, operations that are associated with the operation of equipment and are based on manual determination and control of the path and depth of slag removal, which can lead to long production, serious iron losses, excessive or insufficient removal of slag and metal in the ladle. It was proposed that metallurgical enterprises should introduce a robotic system for removing slag residues. It was found that the traditional method of lubricating the sintering trolley requires it to be stopped and manually lubricated, as well as manual cleaning and maintenance after operation, but the metal dust and dry matter generated during the sintering of dust and lubricating oil, while the bearing assembly will be insufficiently lubricated and the wheel axle will be worn out, from abrasion and insufficient lubrication. The operation of an industrial robot to automatically clean the oil filling hole can prevent dust from sticking to the oil filling hole and entering the wheel axle and bearing components, which can reduce the wear rate.


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