



Kakhovska HEPP, environmental safety, restoration, nature protection


In the review paper presented a brief study of the Kakhovska HEPP explosion impact on the environment, both short-term (immediate) and one year after the tragedy consequences also aftereffects for the environment and society is carried out. It is analyzed the possible and existing positions regarding further perspectives and experts opinions on the reservoir restoration issue, or vice verse – the region natural landscape conservation. Until now, there is no unified position among the experts what comes Kakhovka’s future, although in July 2023 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved a resolution on the hydroelectric plant future restoration. Currently, two approaches are the most popular: the first of all elements of gydrostructures complete restoration, supported by farmers and industrialists based on economic expediency and future development prospects of the region; and the opposite – a complete refusal to restore as such. The latter proponents are ecologists who advocate the idea of preserving natural landscapes, expanding the Nature conservation areas and preserving the cultural and historical value of the region, referring to modern EU directives and laws. According to the latter, in fact, half of the territories of European countries in seven years (until 2030) should become protected (30%) and with a restored natural state (20%). Ukraine, as a future EU member, undertakes to comply with the strategy of the European states and achieve the specified goals. In general, there are four main for Kakhovka reservoir and adjacent territories future scenarios: in addition to the previously two mentioned, is a compromise option to partial reservoir filling (for the minimum provision of the region economic needs) and an option of Dnieper channel widening to meet the same needs is proposed. However, all researchers agree on one thing: any recovery processes are practically impossible until the armed conflict in Ukraine end and its territories de-occupation. Time plays for the environmentalists favor, because of every year the Kakhovsky hydroelectric junction elements technical condition and hydrotechnical infrastructure objects deteriorates and their restoration loses its economic feasibility. In addition, there are a lot of social and demographic changes in the region caused by the conflict that changes real and future water needs.


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