correct machine, automation, information and measurement system, speed, reliability of informationAbstract
The article found that straightening a strip with thicker central sections on work rollers leads to an increase in pressure on the metal in the center and leads to an elongation of the central part of the strip and the formation of central waves. In another case, when excess pressure is applied to the edges of the strip, so-called edge waves are formed. Strips with such defects are not sold. The analysis showed that in the automatic mode, the control and correction of strip defects was not carried out, since the correct machine (roller leveler) is in a state of dynamic change during the leveling operation, during which almost all its parts are subjected to stresses and deformations of undetermined magnitude and duration, they are not - controlled and constantly changing. There is also no possibility of organizing feedback regarding the position of the support roller for the implementation of the system of automatic adjustment of the gap along the length of the working roller. There is no information about the state and indication of the real position of a specific support roller, which, taking into account the human factor, can lead to calculation errors or misinterpretation of the received information and further unwanted interference in the technological process. Therefore, the development of an information and measurement system for control and measurement of the deflection of the support roller in order to monitor the state of the gap along the length of the working roller and operative intervention in the course of the technological process to correct the deviation depending on the degree of deflection of the working roller is an urgent task. The main goal of the work is to design a module for obtaining primary information for the information and measurement system of the correct machine. Accordingly, a module of means of obtaining measurement information from the same type (homogeneous) primary converters for the information and measurement system of the correct machine was developed. It was established that the speed and reliability of the primary converters affect the efficiency of the information and measurement system of the straightening machine and determine the quality of sheet metal after straightening. The structure of the information-measuring system of the correct machine for controlling the clearance of the working rollers has also been developed, which can be adapted to the design features of a specific correct machine.
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