


relatively thick bimetal sheets, mechanical link of the components, stress-strain state, mathematical simulation


The article is devoted to the expansion of the assortment, improvement of quality and reduction of cost in the production of bimetallic relatively thick two-layer compositions based on the development of calculation methods and rolling of bimetallic sheets with mechanical connection of components. Based on the numerical recurrent solution of the finite-difference form of the condition of static equilibrium, a mathematical model was developed – the deformed state of the metal, which occurs during the production of bimetallic sheets by rolling soft material on a hard substrate with longitudinal grooves. This method allows you to study and predict the stress-strain state of the metal during the rolling process, when the soft material is rolled on a hard substrate with longitudinal grooves. Taking into account the numerical recurrent solution of the finite-difference form of the condition of static equilibrium allows you to accurately model various aspects of this process, such as the distribution of stresses and strains in the material. A two-dimensional analysis of the stress-strain state of the metal of the weeping component was carried out using the slip line field method. This method allows you to fully take into account the inhomogeneity of the distribution of stresses and strains along the height of each individual section of the zone of plastic deformation of the metal. The obtained results of the analysis coincided with the results of numerical finite mathematical modeling. A mathematical model implemented in the Abaqus Student Edition finite element modeling package was developed to assess the reliability of the obtained theoretical solutions. A comparison of these data with the results of numerical modeling and the method of slip line fields showed sufficient convergence, which indicates the possibility of using a one-dimensional mathematical model in the system of automated design of technological modes and equipment. The use of the variational approach in the calculation of the stress-strain state of the metal during rolling of bimetallic compositions allows taking into account the longitudinal flow of the metal. This model makes it possible to predict the depth of penetration of the metal of the soft component into the longitudinal grooves of the hard substrate and, thus, to provide practical recommendations for choosing the dimensions of the workpiece of the cladding layer.


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