


thermal balance, homeostasis, metallurgy, thermoregulation, protective clothing, effect of color, working conditions, physiological processes, thermal load, ergonomics, occupational safety, high temperature conditions, metabolic heat, convection, radiation, evaporation


The analysis of modern information sources made it possible to establish that the work in the metallurgical industry is characterized by intense physical exertion, insufficient protection from thermal factors of production, which acting together can lead to overheating and thermal injuries. The main reasons for the violation of the thermal balance in the bodies of metallurgists can be: an excessive level of direct thermal radiation from the equipment, high ambient temperature; prolonged stay in the zone of influence of thermal factors of production; increased internal heat generation in the worker’s body due to heavy physical exertion; insufficient ventilation and air movement; lack or incorrect choice of work clothes. The considered general approach to the assessment of the thermal balance of the human body indicated the indisputable relevance of the issue of ensuring the maximum removal of external heat from the surface of protective clothing. The purpose of the work was to substantiate the properties of the surface layer of protective clothing to minimize the negative impact on metallurgists of production external heat flows. The research method is a theoretical analysis based on classical provisions of thermodynamics of heat and mass transfer processes on the surface of protective clothing of metallurgists. Task: substantiation of rational parameters of reflective surfaces of heat-protective clothing of metallurgists; disclosure of the conditions for effective removal of heat from the surface of protective clothing of metallurgists. It has been established that in order to ensure safe and comfortable working conditions for metallurgists, it is necessary to ensure: effective levels of radiation load reflection, maximum own radiation and convection removal of heat from the surface. Theoretically, the main dependences that reveal the mechanism of counteracting the heat load on metallurgists have been chosen. For the first time, the expediency of using fabrics with an uneven surface texture for the production of protective clothing for people working in a heated microclimate has been theoretically substantiated.


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