



working conditions, monitoring, harmful factor, dustiness


The article analyzes the problems of substantiating labor protection measures based on the data of the production monitoring system. It was noted that the legislation of Ukraine imposes on the employer the responsibility for creating working conditions at the workplaces of the enterprise that correspond to the current legal acts, which causes the interest of the managers of enterprises in improving the working conditions at the workplaces. The functioning of the occupational health and safety management system is a process of preparation, adoption and implementation of management decisions to ensure healthy and safe working conditions at enterprises, and these decisions can be aimed at the implementation of organizational, technical, sanitary-hygienic and medical-preventive measures. One of the areas of improving labor protection management is the rational use of data on the actual levels of production factors obtained as a result of monitoring. This approach is aimed at early identification and assessment of the actual levels of harmful factors, followed by the formation of measures to prevent the impact of these factors on workers. An approach to the justification of measures to improve working conditions is proposed, the feature of which is the comparison of the expected results from the implementation of the measures, taking into account the amount of financial resources necessary for their implementation. This approach makes it possible to quantitatively evaluate the results of the implementation of alternative options for labor protection measures and justify the feasibility of their financing. Approbation of the specified approach was carried out on the example of a study of dustiness at the workplace of a track of slabs and blocks of a quarry for granite mining. Various variants of the technological process, characterized by different operating modes of exhaust ventilation, were analyzed. The use of mathematical modeling methods, expert evaluations, and decision-making theory can be proposed as a promising direction for the development of this approach.


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