


plant with water recirculation, nile tilapia, giant freshwater shrimp, cultivation technology, commercial product


Large-scale pollution of surface waters by technogenic and domestic effluents makes them unsuitable for fish farming use. The usage of installations with a closed water supply (CWS) could be one of the ways to solve the problem of obtaining high-quality aquaculture products. This paper describes the technology developed by the authors for the co-cultivation of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus and giant freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium rosenbergii in a recirculating water consumption system with a productivity of 30 tons of tilapia and 2 tons of freshwater shrimp per year. The two proposed aquaculture facilities have the same range of optimal temperatures: 26–28°C and the same term of the growing cycle from larvae to marketable mass – about 180 days. After that, you can fill the system with new batches. Thus, it is possible to receive commercial products twice a year. The paper provides calculations of the number of Nile tilapia broodstock and freshwater shrimp postlarvae required to obtain the planned marketable products. The layout of the structural components of the CWS, and calculations of the number of pools for growing fingerlings and commercial individuals of tilapia and shrimp are given. The calendar schedule contains a detailed list of technological processes with an indication of their duration and frequency. In the proposed technology for the joint cultivation of Nile tilapia and freshwater shrimp in CWS, the total costs of water and electricity use will be compensated by the sale of expensive shrimp products and less expensive and affordable tilapia products to the population, while both objects have high taste and nutritional qualities and are undemanding to conditions of maintenance. The technology makes it possible to obtain tilapia fish planting material, which can be used for stocking man-made reservoirs to clean them from the excessive development of aquatic vegetation.


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