



steam boiler, automation, control system, regulator, fuzzy logic, super-visor


The article deals with the synthesis of a fuzzy regulator of the automatic steam pressure control system of a steam boiler, a comparative analysis of the transient processes of steam pressure regulation when using a classical PID regulator and with the use of a fuzzy regulator connected in parallel to the supervisor mode is carried out. An analysis of the existing systems of automatic pressure regulation of the steam leaving the steam boiler was carried out. At the initial stage, the shortcomings of existing boiler plants and their management systems were analyzed. Based on the analysis, ways to eliminate the identified shortcomings are planned. The following tasks of the study of the peculiarities of the technological process of vaporization were set and implemented; the improvement of the mathematical model and the algorithm of regulation of the technological process of vaporization was carried out by introducing a fuzzy controller in the supervisor mode, which functions in parallel with the classic PID controller; the proposed mathematical model of the automated control system of the gas-air mixture supply pressure for combustion; the development of the structure and algorithm of the functioning of the automated boiler unit control system using a fuzzy controller in the supervisory mode of operation was carried out. A mathematical model of the mode of steam formation in the boiler is proposed, which differs in that it takes into account variable technological parameters, as well as the algorithm of operation of the fuzzy controller in the supervisory mode of operation of air consumption for combustion, which differs in that it takes into account the rarefaction index in the boiler furnace. It is proposed to develop an automated system for controlling steam generation in a DE boiler, which includes modern control and measurement equipment for the temperature, flow and pressure of steam, gas and air supplied to the burners. The modernization of the control system is aimed at increasing the productivity of the boiler plant and reducing the consumption of energy carriers (gas and air for combustion), which reaches up to 18% in relative terms.


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